AMANDA Extract Based Questions [3 Marks each] Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow. Question 1. Don’t bite your nails, Amanda! Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda! Stop that slouching and sit up straight, Amanda! (a) Amanda is getting instructions for what purpose? (b) Give a synonym of ‘hunch’. (c) What does the speaker of above lines instruct Amanda in the first stanza? (d) What is the literary device used in the third line? Answer: (a) Amanda is getting instructions as a part of her upbringing. (b) Bend. (c) Amanda is getting instructed for biting her nails and sitting lazily with her shoulders bent. (d) Literary device used in third line is Alliteration. ‘Stop that slouching and sit up straight’. Question 2. (There is a languid, emerald sea, where the sole inhabitant is me – a mermaid, drifting blissfully.) (a) Why are these lines given within brackets? (b) Give the word from the passage which means free flowing act ...
FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET Question 1. How did the invisible man first become visible? Answer: The invisible man (Griffin) first became visible after he slipped into a big London store for keeping warm and overslept there while wearing some clothes taken from the store. The clothes made him visible to the shop assistants when the shop opened in the morning. To escape from them, he had to shed all his clothes to become invisible again. Question 2. Why was he wandering the streets? Answer: Though he was a brilliant scientist, he was a lawless person. His landlord disliked him and wanted to evict Griffin. In revenge, he set fire to the house. To escape, he removed his clothes, becoming invisible. Thus he became homeless and was wandering the streets of London. Question 3. Why does Mrs Hall find the scientist eccentric? Answer: Mrs Hall found the scientist eccentric because of his strange appearance and also, when she tried to be friendly with him, he rebuffed her b...
THE TRIUMPH OF SURGERY Read and Find Out (Page 1) Question 1. Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki? Answer: Mrs Pumphrey is worried about Tricki because he is unwell. He has refused to eat food and had bouts of vomiting. She feels that he is suffering from a serious health issue. Question 2. What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this? Answer: Mrs Pumphrey starts giving him extra snacks like malt, cod-liver oil and Horlicks, apart from his main meals, to improve his condition. She also continues to satisfy his sweet tooth with cream cakes and chocolates. She does not give him any exercise, considering his listlessness as well. She is not wise in doing so because overfeeding Tricki is worsening his conditions instead of improving it. It has made him very fat and lazy. Question 3. Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story? Answer: ‘I’ refers to the narrator, Mr James Herriot, a veterinary doctor. Question 4. Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s ...
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